In the realm of beauty blogging, transparency is paramount. I believe in being candid with my readers about the origin of the products I feature. Any items I receive as gifts, from press events, or sent by PR companies for review purposes are marked with an asterisk (*). This practice ensures clarity and honesty in every review.

Previously, I made it a point to individually disclose which products I didn’t purchase. However, I’ve adopted a more streamlined approach. Rest assured, regardless of how I obtain a product, my reviews will always reflect my genuine thoughts and experiences. If I encounter a subpar product, I’ll either refrain from featuring it or provide an honest critique to inform my readers.

Maintaining objectivity is crucial to me. No PR relationship or gifted product will sway my opinion. My commitment is to offer unbiased assessments that assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. Your trust and confidence in my opinions are paramount. I’m not here to deceive or mislead; honesty remains my guiding principle.

While I don’t accept payment for reviews, I may occasionally publish sponsored posts. When I do, I’ll clearly disclose this fact at the outset. Transparency is non-negotiable in every aspect of my content creation process.

You may notice some affiliated links within my blog posts. These links allow me to earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them. Rest assured, my primary goal is to provide valuable content, and any affiliate partnerships won’t compromise the integrity of my recommendations.

For PR inquiries or collaborations, please feel free to reach out to me via email. I’m always open to exploring potential partnerships that align with my values and the interests of my readers.

Thank you for entrusting me with your beauty journey. Your support and confidence drive me to continue delivering honest, insightful content that empowers and informs.